Tuesday, October 29, 2013

4 Free Tips for 6 pack abs



Before Truth About  Abs Program ...... After Truth about abs Abs Program

245lds                 (8 mo. later)         165lds  
Hello i'm the admin in the pics you see above is actually me, and yes i used the truth about abs. I'm much like you i tried diets and they all failed. Now i'm living the life i have always dreamed of im running marathons , and before i started my diet and workouts i had a hard time walking around the block. look at the diet plan it gives you allot of valuable information even if you do not purchase the diet.  Its free info and you have nothing to lose but weight. I'm on a mission to give people the the valuable information that transformed me.

The importance of physical fitness The Importance of physical fitness is on the rise in today’s fast paced society. There is a greater need that the life style we follow requires us to not only maintain our body weight, mood, energy but also what is ‘acceptable to society.’ A certain amount of daily physical activity helps you stay strong enough to be able to perform day to day activities and prevent illnesses, as well as provide you with a sense of freedom and independence. These days, a physically fit body is seen as appealing and an important asset that people crave for. This is the sole reason why there is an easy access to gyms and fitness centers, diet foods have become easily available and why phrases such as ‘size zero’ and ‘six pack’ have become a part of everyday way of life.
 what is a ‘six pack?’ The rectus abdominis muscle, also known as the "abs," is a paired muscle that runs on each side of the human abdomen. Three and sometimes four bands of tissues traverse this muscle, separating it into six or eight distinct muscle bellies. Hence, the appearance of these segments has lead to the name ‘six-pack.’ It has been said that regardless of whom you might be or what your goals might include, strong midsection muscles are a much needed aspect of your body. Men who do not want such six pack abs are only a hand full.
  There are a few secrets to getting a six pack abs
 You should increase the thermal effect of food by indulging in less processed foods and instead increase foods rich in fiber, water and protein.This is so that the absorption is faster in your body, to prevent calories in becoming fat. Moving on to an exercise perspective, one needs to perform exercises that involve the muscles to work. This can be either cardiovascular training, upper/lower body splits, interval/density/circuit training. However, the more you are able to perform these exercises, the more the body seems to find them easier to be able to do. So, within a few weeks, change the routine to keep the body learning. Ensure that your body burns fat and not the muscles through well controlled multi joint lifts such as pushes/ presses/rows/pulls/squats/hip hinges. However, keeping these in mind, never make the mistake of starving yourself. If you burn too much and eat too little, the body mass can get affected. To tackle this, you could eat a little more on training days and less while you are relaxing or even eat a little more than usual, once a week, to keep the metabolism roiling.
So, sit less, walk more, train often and recover well so that the amount of effort you put in is a just a little more than the last step. Be careful to not go too far, too fast to prevent yourself from getting any injuries. Get comfortable and then forge ahead to be able to love what you see in the mirror.
The link below will show you how to get the best results possible to get the six pack abs you deserve regardless of your age. 

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Unknown said...

Why do we not take our lives to the full limit to be happy ,Strong An Healthy?

Unknown said...

Being a healthy person and shooting for positive goals in life is very rewarding.

Unknown said...

Product claiming "Better than peanut butter" by being a low-fat peanut butter

This product is ridiculous! I can't believe anyone would ever believe that this junk is better for them than natural peanut butter.

What I'm talking about here are the types of peanut butter that claim to be "lower-fat peanut butter"... But remember that "low-fat" many times just means more added sugars and carbs to replace the fats they took out. Not good!

Unknown said...

Product claiming to be "better than eggs".

I won't get as detailed on this one because I recently talked about this entire topic in another newsletter.

But basically, this product was just egg whites with a bunch of added chemical colorings, flavorings, and other nonsense, including fake added vitamins.

Unknown said...

One-Legged Squat Reach
Targets abs, butt, and legs
Stand on left leg with right foot a few inches off ground near left ankle.
Bend left leg about 90 degrees, keeping back straight and reaching right hand to outside of left foot.
Return to start. Continue for 30 seconds (or 15 reps), then switch sides and repeat for 30 seconds.

Unknown said...

Physical activity is necessary for good health, and most people do not get enough in their everyday lives. Besides helping with weight control, exercise strengthens your heart, improves circulation, helps prevent many illnesses, and makes it easier to do everyday activities. If you are very active in your job, hobbies, and/or household and garden chores, and walk or bike often instead of riding in a car all the time, you may not have to do formal exercise to maintain health, but most people are not that active.

Unknown said...

If you have a goal like one of those listed above, by all means stress yourself and try the goal a few times a week. Your body will not retard because of it, and your muscles will still heal. Make sure though that you always have at least one day of rest a week, and if you are going to be training the same muscle groups often then proper supplementation is a good idea (banana or blackberris/berries before, recovery supplement, lots of water/protein post workout). You can get to that goal, and don't worry about your body; it is stronger than you think

alfa online said...

nice post bror